Adding Value for Landowners

GBRM helps landowners to add substantial value to their property assets by gaining planning and other statutory consents required to achieve the most valuable land use.

Our focus is on sites between 1-10 acres across the UK, where we believe change-of-use to residential and / or care use could be achieved within 2 years.

Landowner's Site Review

For a complementary review of your land’s development potential, please enter your details below.

Glossop, Derbyshire - 44 new family dwellings. Site acquisition, community engagement, planning approval, site disposal.Glossop, Derbyshire - 44 new family dwellings. Site acquisition, community engagement, planning approval, site disposal.
Firth Rixson, Glossop, Derbyshire
Fourty-four family homes on brownfield land at the site of Firth Rixson Superalloys.
St Stephen's, Hyde, Manchester
Thirty-six family homes and apartments on the land and buildings at Grade II Listed Building. Site acquired, planning consent achieved, site promoted and sold.
Moorview, Halifax, Yorkshire
Eight family dwellings at the site of the former Moorview Care Home, Halifax