Community Engagement

Gain insights and project support with proactive community dialogue.

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We will never share your information with anyone.

Key Outcomes

Community support

Gain the backing of local communities and key stakeholders, reducing opposition and increasing the likelihood of project success

Insightful feedback

Collect valuable input from the community, informing project decisions and ensuring alignment with local needs

Enhanced reputation

Build a positive image for the project within the community, fostering goodwill and long-term relationships

What is Community Engagement?

Engaging with the local community is a crucial element of any development proposal. Effective consultation helps to build trust, address concerns, and gather valuable insights that can influence the success of a project. By involving the community early in the planning process, developers and landowners can ensure that their projects are better aligned with local needs and expectations, reducing the risk of opposition and delays.

Moreover, proactive community engagement fosters a sense of inclusion and cooperation, which can lead to stronger support for the development, smoother planning approvals, and ultimately, a more successful outcome for all stakeholders involved.

Case Studies

St Stephen’s, Manchester

Site acquisition, planning and listed building consent for 34 dwellings, and site disposal.

Old Glossop, Derbyshire

Planning consent for 44 family homes and site disposal

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We’ll call you back within 30 minutes during work hours, and leave you a message if we can’t get through.

We will never share your information with anyone.