Planning Application Management

Manage the complex process of securing valuable planning consents.

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Key Outcomes

Achieve highest-and-best use

Align permitted use with market demand to add substantial value

Align objectives with land use

Ensure strategic objectives are supported with sufficient permitted land

Remove planning risk

Address issues of planning enforcement and planning risk

What are Planning Applications?

If want to make a change to land or buildings, such as a change of use, or an increase in developed space, it is likely that planning permission will be required. Receiving planning permission will make the proposal legal, conversely if a change is made that does not have planning permission, it may be illegal, and subject to enforcement action.

Depending on the type of development, it may be possible to use permitted development rights which grant planning permission using statutes. Read more here. Where permitted development rights cannot be used, it’s likely that an application for planning permission must be submitted to the planning authority.

Given the impact of development projects, planning applications are often complex, resource intensive, and time consuming. For major planning applications, the process can require input from specialists across disciplines such as design, ecology, environment, finance, planning law, and transport. In addition, applications should include community engagement to ensure that proposals are well balanced.

How we can help

Our Planning Application Management support helps clients to co-ordinate, resource, and execute planning applications which align their objectives to the potential of the project site. In each case, we provide a structured process centred around a financial and project plan, which navigates proposals through to determination.

Case Studies

Rudloe Hall Hotel, Bath

Resolving planning and listed building enforcement issues following the financial crisis

George Hotel, Glossop

Successful planning appeal to create 6 new homes, overcoming design and amenity challenges.

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We’ll call you back within 30 minutes during work hours, and leave you a message if we can’t get through.

We will never share your information with anyone.